Ivan Filipović National Award

Ivan Filipović Award, presented as a lifetime achievement award, award for outstanding effort and results in preschool education, elementary, high school, or higher education, and for research and professional work, bears the name of a teacher born in 1823 in Velika Kopanica, who died in 1895 in Zagreb. Filipović was a superintendent of schools, a prolific writer, editor of magazines, and founder of the Croatian Pedagogic and Literary Board in 1871, and of the Association of Croatian Teacher Societies in 1885, who participated in three general assemblies of teachers. In addition to the above, for his prominent teaching work, effort he invested in fighting for teacher independence and freedom, and the freedom of the national school, his colleagues called him the father of teachers.

His motto - Even if I could be born ten times, I’ d choose to be a teacher every time – has been giving hope for almost a century, it gives courage and provides incentive for all those who chose one of the most difficult professions in the world, and have remained faithful to it despite all the difficulties and challenges.

Ivan Filipović Award is presented by the Republic of Croatia, or rather the Board of the Ivan Filipović Award, and is prepared by the Ministry of Science and Education, for outstanding achievement in education, and is the greatest recognition the educational workers can receive. It has been awarded since 1964, first by the Croatian Pedagogical and Literary Board, and since 1967 by the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia.

Croatian education and society thus prove to systematically care for those who have with their expertise, commitment and exemplary work contributed to the advancement of the educational process and the reputation of the teaching profession.

The Ivan Filipović Award Act (Official Gazette No. 61/91, 149/09) sets out that 2 lifetime achievement award and 15 annual awards can be awarded each year.

Annual award is presented to the most prominent educational workers, scientists and experts, or a group of scientists, experts or educational workers if the achievement is the result of their joint work, for the most important achievement in the previous years, and especially the year immediately preceding. The lifetime achievement award is presented to prominent educational workers, scientists and experts whose pedagogical, scientific or professional work became a permanent contribution to education in the Republic of Croatia.

The award is presented in the form of a special certificate and in cash.

The Board of the Ivan Filipović Award gives the award upon the proposal of the Committee the Board establishes for each field of education. The Board has nine members, appointed for by the Croatian Parliament for the term of two years.

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Act referred to above, Rules on the work of the Board for the Ivan Filipović Award were passed (Official Gazette No. 15/92) which defined the working method of the Board, and the Committees, the criteria and the method of sending applications for and awarding the Ivan Filipović Award.