JRC launches a new call for the Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Program

Latest by: May 3 2020

The importance of science-based evidence for policy-making is increasingly recognised by decision makers and finds resonance in academia.
To enhance the science-policy interface, the JRC has launched the Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) program to establish collaborations with Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and universities from EU Member States and countries associated to the EU Research Programme Horizon 2020.
The partnership will offer opportunities to a new generation of doctoral students, with particular focus on research for policy-making

Through the CDP the JRC seeks to establish strategic collaborations with universities with excellent research and international reputation in science and technology. Participation in the scheme will allow a new generation of students to understand research needs at different stages of the policy cycle, and acquire new skills in science communication.

In practical terms, it means shared development of research programmes, and hosting and supervising doctoral studies between HEI/universities and the JRC.

The partnership should also lead to strengthened collaboration between the JRC and HEI/universities by promoting mutual enhancement of related skills and competences, combining knowledge, capacities, and networking in key scientific areas.

The JRC launched on 3 February 2020 a second call for expressions of interest in thirteen thematic fields:

Further information on application details is available at https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/working-with-us/collaborative-doctoral-partnerships.

Deadline for application is 3 May 2020.